Sale of all tricontes360 Group sites completed – 1,700 jobs saved
In the context of the insolvency proceedings for the call center group tricontes360, Centuros supported the insolvency administrator Dr. Tjark Thies (Reimer Rechtsanwälte) in the successful search for investors. A team led by Carlos Rodrigues, Malte Heesch and Otto Rantzau managed the M&A process and structured the overall solution around the takeover and continuation of the subsidiaries.
The tricontes360 Group had filed for insolvency for most of its subsidiaries in February. The solution now found brings to an end a challenging search for investors with difficult negotiations.
With its Avedo brand, Ströer Mediengruppe is taking over eight locations of the insolvent tricontes360 GmbH in whole or in part. Another location went to the Leipzig-based CCONE Group GmbH. As a result of the transfers of operations and parts of operations, a total of more than 1,300 jobs were retained and a further almost 400 employment contracts were brokered.
There were (partial) transfers of operations by Avedo at the Frankfurt (Oder), Itzehoe, Munich, Neubrandenburg, Augsburg, Münster, Pristina and Thessaloniki sites. CCONE took over parts of the Bremerhaven site. In contrast, the Gera, Hamburg, Hof and Rügen sites had to be closed. As part of the closure, around 450 redundancies have been and will be made following the conclusion of corresponding works agreements.
“The successful proceedings for the creditors and the majority of the employees were the result of excellent cooperation between highly specialized consulting firms and law firms,” said Dr. Tjark Thies.
We are pleased that we were able to support the insolvency administrator and tricontes360 GmbH in their search for investors and wish the acquirers and the employees taken over every success for the future.
Reimer Rechtsanwälte
Dr. Tjark Thies (Insolvency administrator)
Anja Göttsch
Friederike Kirch-Heim
Lale Meyer
Lukas Pronobis
Noerr Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB (Purchase contract negotiations)
Dr. Jan-Philipp Meier
Marco Siemers
Möhrle Happ Luther (Negotiations with customers and works councils)
Dr. Andrea Kröpelin
Dr. Helge Hirschberger
Dr. Patrick Zeising
Roman Eschke
Dr. Thorsten Herms
Leonhard Schulte-Körner
Carlos Rodrigues (Partner)
Malte Heesch (Partner)
Otto Rantzau (Manager)